Warm Up Your Landscape with an Outdoor Fireplace in Northbrook, IL

Warm Up Your Landscape with an Outdoor Fireplace in Northbrook, IL

February in the Midwest can mean very little time spent outdoors enjoying the patio. And yet, we all know how great it feels to get some fresh air. A cozy outdoor fireplace could be just the thing for increasing your enjoyment of the great outdoors, even when the temperatures have dipped below freezing. Here’s how to warm up your landscape with an outdoor fireplace in Northbrook, IL.

Related: Style Options For An Impressive Outdoor Fireplace In Highland Park, IL

Location is Key

For the coziest fireside experience, you’ll want to position your fireplace out of the wind; or, have it facing away from prevailing winds and block the wind with the mass of the fireplace. A privacy wall on the windward side of the patio can also contribute to a warmer space overall. 

Another consideration when deciding on the location of your outdoor fireplace is foot traffic. Here are two options to consider: the first is to position the fireplace next to your outdoor kitchen - in the dining area - to make this the hub of outdoor living. The other is to position the fireplace away from the busiest areas of the patio such as in a quiet corner, which will create a more intimate space for conversation and relaxing by the fire.


Take design cues from your home for an outdoor fireplace that looks like it belongs. A very tall home (for example, if your property is sloped and the backside of your home is three stories) warrants a taller fireplace that looks proportionate to the height of your home. A single-story home could be complemented by a shorter, wider fireplace. 

The materials are also important. Most modern outdoor fireplaces are built with either stone (or manufactured stone) blocks, or clad with natural stone or manufactured stone veneers. Ultra-modern all-concrete fireplaces are less common, but can make for a striking presence. 

If you’re adding an outdoor fireplace to an existing patio, use the same or complementary materials for an integrated look. Or, embrace the individuality of the fireplace and use contrasting materials. Again, take style cues from your home as well as any existing hardscapes and decide if you want to go with more of an integrated look or a dramatic contrast.

Features That Make a Difference

Whether you choose a kit outdoor fireplace or have one custom-built, be sure to consider the features that make the space truly livable. 

Add a hearth that is generously sized and somewhat elevated if you enjoy occasionally sitting right by the fire.

Add a mantel (preferably stone or manufactured stone, for durability and weather resistance) if you want to display objects above the fire box.

Add wood storage if your fireplace is wood-burning; or, if you like that look but prefer a gas-fueled fireplace, this space could be an enclosed cabinet where you could store blankets and cushions.

Add an integrated TV or audio system (as long as the fireplace is sheltered under a covered porch or freestanding pavilion).

Add a wood-fired pizza oven if you enjoy the delicious aromas of homemade pizza. Pizza is a universal hit whether your fireplace is close to your outdoor kitchen or has its own location.

Add a built-in beverage bar with an electric kettle, for those days when hot cocoa is a must.

Add built-in lighting for ambience even when the fireplace isn’t lit.

Add a water feature: this dramatic contrast between fire and water makes for a stunning focal point, whether the fire is lit or not.

Also consider a seat wall that partially surrounds the fireplace. Not only will this create additional seating (without crowding the space) for larger get-togethers, but it offers a spot to place colorful potted plants once spring comes.

Related: Tips On Using Your New Outdoor Fireplace In Winnetka, IL

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.